Being Positive

Of all my classes, probably my least favorite (at this point) is Introduction to Theology.  Unfortunately, it seems to be a very basic introduction to Christian theology, and while it's probably great for the person who doesn't know about Christ or the Christian faith, for me it's a bit basic, and just not Catholic enough.  It is also my first class on Monday, so I have an even greater reason to - you know - not look forward to it.  So that was my way of thinking about it when getting ready to go to class this morning; however, I have been trying to see things in a more positive light (seeing the glass half full)  - I guess accepting everything as God's will for me and giving it my best effort.  So, I was happily surprised to easily find two things to take away from class today.

The first example occurred when we were talking about faith and how it can change and mature over time.  Surprisingly the teacher began by talking about St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Four Degrees [Stages] in the Love of God.  Namely, 1: love of self, 2: love of God for what God can do for us, 3: love of God for God's own sake, and 4: standing in God's love, so that one loves as God loves.  Now, I'm not going to even try to delve into the spiritual depth of these stages (I am sure that St. Bernard would be appalled by the summarized way I rattled them off), but I was happily surprised to find them in this particular theology class and I will now have to look further into them.

The second thing that I found positive this morning was the teacher's question on why we run to God upon experiencing evil (in one form or another) and not when we see something good.  I'm kind of extrapolating here, but why do we tend to ignore God until we run into something bad, and only then start looking for Him?  Shouldn't we look for, and thank God, when we find something good?  I mean God created the good, not the bad - shouldn't we be thankful?  I thought it was a good question, and, once again, will have to think about it more later.

There you have it; two positive things I took out of theology class.  (I guess I should thank God for them - time to start counting my blessings...)