Running Schedule

2/26/2013 , 0 Comments

So, a few of us here at Brute (as previously mentioned) are planning on participating in the run for vocations in the Indianapolis mini-marathon on may 4th.  Since I, and probably some of the others, haven't ever run that far, we decided to start running together 4 times a week.  The schedule, as it stands right now, is that we'll run after Adoration on Tuesdays, after morning prayer on Thursdays, and sometime in the middle of the day on Saturday and Sunday.  Two of the runs each week will be long (gradually increasing up to about 10 or 11 miles), and the others are short (stay around 3 or 4 miles the entire time).  I haven't ever looked forward to running, but I think that working out with the other guys will cause me to run faster and make it more fun. 
Sorry, no picture, I was trying to find something remotely biblical about running, but all the art (that I found) on Peter/John running to Jesus' tomb were kind of cheesy...