Snow! (Updated)

3/06/2013 , , , 0 Comments

trees with snow (Wednesday morning)
Here in Indianapolis we just had a snowstorm come through and drop a few (several?) inches of snow.  It was coming down pretty heavily from about 6-9, but I don't know if it has continued.  Anyway, it was the very big, wet, pretty kind of snow that makes you cheerful because it's not rain.  

As our (self-made) schedule dictates,  today is a running day, so Dominic, Willie, and myself went for a run around 6 PM.  It was pretty chilly (32 degrees), there was about a half inch of slush on the ground wherever we ran (so it was pretty slippery especially up hills), I could feel the slush flying up and rolling down my legs (I don't have running pants, so shorts it is...), and the snow was smacking me in the face as we went (so it was cold).  Overall, it was what most people would call miserable, but I am very, very glad that I went for a run.  I feel much better now and now have a bit more confidence in being able to run in not-so-exemplary conditions.  

 inside courtyard with snow (Tuesday evening)
A cool aspect of running in the snow is that you can examine your footprints.  The run we did was an out and back, where you run a certain distance (or time) and then turn around and run back the way you came.  Well, when we turned around we noticed a few things about our footprints.  First, all three sets of prints were almost the exact same stride (within an inch), so there were 3 prints side-by-side and then 3 more, etc.  Also, my feet are a lot smaller than the other two guys (no surprise there).  Thirdly, two of the sets of prints were straight forward/backward and the other set were slightly angled outwards.  There you go; there's benefits to running in the snow.

I have a feeling that there will be a lot of snow on the cars tomorrow before classes - it should be interesting!  Maybe we'll have a snowball fight, that would be fantastic!  Have fun while the snow lasts folks!

Panorama from my window (Wednesday morning)