Summer Plans...

Well, it has been a few days since my last post - sorry about that - and since I didn't have anything done yet (some stuff is on its way), I decided to do a quick one about the upcoming summer.  The college level seminarians in my diocese (Springfield, IL) don't get assigned to a parish or anywhere for the summer.  Thus, I have decided (like, I think, all of the other Springfield guys at Bruté) to get a job.  In this case, playing it safe, I will be working at the same place as I did last summer - Titan Wheel, here in Quincy - as an intern in the safety department.  I will also, if everything goes as planned, be taking Spanish II over the summer as an online class at John Wood Community College (where I had done my first 2 years of college).  I took Spanish I almost 2 years ago, and haven't touched the language since, so this could be very, very, interesting.  I guess I can make it through anything for 6 weeks, right?  Anyway, the job is all but set in stone (starting that next week), though the Spanish is still a work in progress; I need to get accepted and signed up and everything before it starts in a few weeks. 
Obviously, it won't be all work for the summer:  This weekend I am running a 5k (The Bridge the Gap - here in Quincy), which should be fun, and hopefully fast.  In about 10 days, we have the ordination to the priesthood for the diocese (which I will be serving at).  In two weeks the family will be going on vacation; probably I'll do some updates here, but we'll see if I have Internet and time...  And, well, that's about as far out as I have planned...  Basically, I need to work on the positive attitude - fun, or at least joy, can be found pretty much everywhere (even in a job and Spanish). 
An example of some unexpected fun: For all the guys at Bruté who flabbergasted me by your enjoyment of mowing; I now understand.  Last weekend we went up to my Grandpa's farm, where he has a 60" ztr lawn mower.  Needless to say, it was an absolute blast to mow with.  It certainly takes some getting used to - my swaths weren't very straight at first - but it mows a ton faster than the 18" push mower that I am used to wrestling with here...   My brother had inherited that "position" last summer - the family mower - but since he conveniently broke his arm about a week before the grass started growing, I have had to fill in (I guess it's not that bad...)  The huge riding mower wouldn't be practical here in town, but I sure wish it were.