Bruté Chapel Blessing - 1-30-13, and a small update.

Here is a video of the blessing of the chapel at Bruté, which happened back in January.  I wrote about it in a different blog post, but now Corey has posted a video of it (which he allowed me to embed here - thanks!).  I noted in the previous post that Archbishop Tobin's homily was great, so enjoy that too!
The summer is slowly rolling along.  I am looking forward to having a few days off this week at work, and the whole getting together with family/friends for the 4th of July. I also have a dentist appointment this week - that should be fantastic...  I was working on a post surrounding the supreme court's (bad) decision to strike down protections of marriage, but I haven't gotten very far into it.   Sorry folks, I was hoping to get a bunch of great stuff written over the summer and I just haven't been able too.  Anyway, have a wonderful week!  God Bless America!