Day #3 - even more fun! (8-17-13)

Day three of orientation went fantastically!  Once again, sorry for the brevity of this post.  It is almost midnight here, and I just wanted to give you all a short update...

This morning we had introductions of all the seminary offices (including my being the sports coordinator dude), and each guys had an opportunity to explain what he does and what the rest of the guys need to do on their end for that particular area.  I haven't figured out exactly what to do for my job just yet, but tomorrow I am going to get some sports going in the afternoon and we will go from there.  The morning was full of a few other odds and ends of the orientation stuff (as well as Mass/Morning Prayer), and early this afternoon we left for a lake house that people graciously loaned to the seminary for the day.  Needless to say, a group of forty guys put the lake to good use.  We did a bit of swimming, a lot of goofing around, some frisbee throwing, some horse fly dodging, and a lot of games of euchre.  Oh, we also had some pretty big hot dogs and some pretty small burgers (they were tasty though).  

Sorry to simplify the day so much, there was obviously so much more that happened, but I just don't have the time right now to get it all written about.  It is one of those things; this post will probably take you guys like a minute to read, but I am looking at at least 20-30 40 minutes of typing.  Not saying that I don't like to do it, but just noting that blogging is quite a time commitment.

I guess I will finish on a spiritual note.  Several minutes ago myself and the other Dominic said the Rosary and Night Prayer, and one part of Compline (the Latin term for night prayer) really jumped out at me.  This comes from the first psalm (#4) for Night Prayer on Saturday:

O men, how long will your hearts be closed

will you love what is futile and seek what is false?

It is the Lord who grants favors to those whom he loves;
the Lord hears me whenever I call him.
Fear him; do not sin: ponder on your bed and be still.
Make justice your sacrifice and trust in the Lord.
"What can bring us happiness?" many say.
Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord.
You have put into my heart a greater joy
than they have from abundance of corn and new wine.
I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once 
for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.
I guess it is good that this psalm comes up every week, because I constantly need to be reminded  about everything it says.  "love what is futile and seek what is false" - I, so often, want some cool new gadget, or waste time watching something on YouTube and I really need to open my heart to God - not stuff.  As St. Augustine said, Our hearts are restless until they rest in You [God].  "Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord."  Want happiness?  Trust God, not yourself, not money, not stuff, not being cool, not corn, etc.  That is the only place where we will fine true happiness on earth, and the only way we will arrive at eternal happiness in Heaven.  "For you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety."  Yep, it says "alone" - that means no exceptions.  Today's Gospel recounts Jesus admonishing the disciples that they must be like little children.  This doesn't mean acting immature, this means being trusting, loving, and dependent on God.  How to do this?  What did Jesus do?  Matthew 19:15: "After he placed His hands on them, He went away."  When Jesus "goes away" it usually means he went an prayed to God.  How do we get this child like devotion to God, Abba, Daddy?  Pray.

Ok, so that was rather blunt, don't think that I am perfect here.  I have so far to go...  (Which, of course, is why you all are praying for me! - I'll reciprocate don't worry.)

Good night everybody!  -  Lie down in peace and sleep comes at once.