Back to the Original Idea

Hello all!  Sorry about the lack of posts here for a little bit; I have been busy. 
I have been thinking about the blog and how/what I am posting on here, and I have realized that it has somewhat shifted from cool stuff that is happening in seminary, or cool topics that I thought about due to some experience, or book, or homily, or whatever, to more and more "here's a cool video" or somebody else's great blog post.  Having realized this, I have decided to attempt to return to my "original flavor".  Thus, hopefully, there will be less posts with just a video or just a piece of Catholic news and more posts about what I am doing, reading, learning, or enjoying.  I enjoy the whole blogging thing more when I am talking about my seminary experience, and I'd guess that you all do too.  Over the summer I can't really talk about what's going on in "seminary" (because I'm not there...), but I have come to realize that everything connects together in some way or another (meaning that I can come up with some way that day-to-day happening during the summer connect to seminary stuff).  The amount of posts may be somewhat slow here for a few more weeks.  I have a few more weeks of Spanish/work, so I won't be doing something every day...  Anyway, thanks to everybody for continuing to read my little blog when it has gotten a bit boring, hopefully I can get some cooler stuff up here.
Please let me know in the comments if you like a particular kind of post, or anything else!
Enjoy the first feast day of St. Kateri Tekakwitha!
