JPII and John XXIII Cleared for Canonization!

I was pretty excited about the encyclical on faith, but it turns out Pope Francis had another awesome announcement to make. Pope Blessed John Paul II and Pope Blessed John XXIII have both been cleared to be canonized. Usually canonization (proclaiming someone to be a saint) requires a second miracle to be attributed to the person in question, beyond the one miracle necessary for beatification (proclaiming someone top be a blessed). JPII now has such a miracle, but John XXIII, in an unprecedented move (in modern times), was "green-lighted" to be canonized without the second miracle. Obviously, the pope has the authority to dispense with the second miracle.
"Fr. Lombardi stated that a canonization without a second miracle is still valid, given that there is already the existing miracle that lead to the Roncalli Pope’s beatification. He also pointed to ongoing discussions among theologians and experts about whether it is necessary to have two distinct miracles for beatification and canonization. Certainly, he added the Pope has the power to dispense, in a Cause, with the second miracle." []
The date for when the canonization will take place has not been announced, but it could (probably will) take place later this year, and it is also possible that both Popes could be canonized together (something that, I don't think, has happened before).