Videos - Saints, Popes, Priests, and Christ (how do you beat that?)
It looks like it will be a busy week! The last few days I have been in Springfield for the ordination of Fr. Steve Arisman and Fr. Seth Brown, their first Masses, as well as my admission to candidacy for the priesthood (a pretty big step in the process), all of which will be topics for posts later this week (one thing at a time...). This post though, will just be a few videos that I have run across recently that you really ought to see!
Here's one from Chris Stefanick. Gosh, it seems like most of his videos end up on here, but they are all so awesome and this one is no exception. It's about Fr. Kapaun, a chaplain during the Korean war, who completely devoted himself to his comrades, showing incredible devotion and courage in caring and saving them. But his radical love extended even to his enemies, to those who hated him, to those who tortured him.
Video #2 is from a project called one billion stories (tons of fantastic videos on people loving and living their Catholic faith). It's a short snippet of a young man hearing the call to enter seminary, and become a priest, and how why he is willing to give up everything for Christ, who gave up everything for him.
The third video is the vocation story of Colin Jones, a soon-to-be classmate of mine at the North American College, who I had the pleasure to meet when he was visiting another one of the guys at Brute a few months ago (or maybe it was last semester?). Great talk about hearing the call and conversion!
Here's a video - a bit different than my usual finds - that is about "cutting the cord" (so to speak) and getting back to having real relationships with people, rather than just the more artificial, less loving, ones that we have on social networking sites and the like. Obviously, I think there is a place for these kinds of things, but this is a good (and funny) reminder that there should be limits.
Alright, here's an awesome video - really short - about the ordination and first Masses of several used-to-be seminarians, now priests, from the Archdiocese of Denver. I don't think I know any of these guys personally, but the video is a powerful glimpse at the first days of the priesthood of these young men! Phenomenal! Sorry it's not embedded - I know it'd be easier if it was embedded - but I probably spent 15 minutes trying to figure out a way to do it, and it just doesn't seem to be possible/allowed... Sorry (click the link though - it'll make your day!)
For a 5th video, here's some clips from the Holy Father's historic trip to the Holy Land and his meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church (which has been split from Rome for almost a millennium now). It is a powerful, uniting, and important meeting and 21st century technology means you can see it too!
Alright, two more videos - both from Fr. Barron. The first one is from his in-production series on the "pivotal players" (you know, important saints and other such folks). It looks amazing and you can watch a few minutes of introduction right now!
And finally, the last video, the first part of Fr. Barron's talk on Christ, specifically focusing on how we need to know Christ as He is found in the Scriptures (both OT and NT), as priest, prophet and king. Stunning videography, phenomenal reminder!
All I watched was 'Look Up', it is awesome!!!! I wonder if I could memorize something that long? :-) A.M.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that one wasn't particularly Catholic in nature, but it was outstanding anyway!